The best ways to avoid germes on airplanes

The best ways to avoid germes on airplanes

Charles Richer

The advent of the Covid-19 coronavirus triggered a true pandemonium (literally: place where hellish turmoil reigns) within the tourism industry worldwide. It is true that space is restricted and closed inside an aircraft, which presents a real risk of contamination of any disease. Long flights in particular, which result in longer periods of exposure, make it more difficult to avoid passengers potentially infected with any virus. In addition, the concern that has arisen since the arrival of the Covid-19 has resulted in international travel cancellations. The reason is simple, people are scared. But what the majority of travelers forget is that the flu, and other respiratory illnesses, posed a much greater risk this winter.

For comparison, at least 14,000 people died from the flu in the United States this winter alone. In this country, they have managed to significantly limit the cases of Covid-19 with the establishment of strict travel restrictions and close monitoring of people arriving from infected areas. What we know so far about the spread is that Covid-19 spreads in the same way as most other viruses, that is, through close person-to-person contact and by propagation of respiratory droplets. So, to help you better protect yourself, here are some simple but effective rules against all viruses:

  • Get the flu vaccine, this will protect you from the severe and too often fatal flu this year;
  • Keep your distance if you assume that a sick person is near you. Obviously, in an airplane, it is more difficult since we consider close contact with someone within 2 meters. So, the best thing is to keep yourself as far as possible from a sneeze or cough, because we know that during these afflictions, relatively large and clearly visible droplets are expelled and can land on the face another person and thus create a door into the body of the latter;
  • Avoid the face mask unless you are sick yourself. Indeed, few people know that the paper surgical masks found on the market only protect others against your own germs. They do not offer you any protection against others;
  • Do not touch your face with unwashed hands, it is a gateway for viruses;
  • Wash your hands regularly, but especially after a very crowded outing, such as in public transport or shopping centers. Rub at least 20 seconds with soap and water, this will keep you safe;
  • Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you at all times. It must contain at least 60% alcohol to properly neutralize germs. A disinfectant is always useful even if you wash your hands regularly because it will allow you to wipe your tray or your armrest on the plane, a question of having a real peace of mind;
  • Keep up to date on travel advices issued by the government of Canada to know the restrictions and recommendations issued and for travel and health advice.
